河床劇團  Recent/Upcoming Productions Kaohsiung FIlm Festival / October 17-21, 2024
A Simple Silence (360VR film)
Venice FIlm Festival / August 27-September 7, 2024
Kaohsiung FIlm Festival / October 17-21, 2024
ART*VR / October 16-21, 2024

It seems like such an easy request: a simple silence. A stillness without the weight of work or love or death. A moment in between. But we have learned there is an almost impossible gap between this ambition and the reality of living, that our silence is never simple. In the flickering light, we hold our breaths, anticipating the storm. Something must be lost before it can be found.

A Simple Silence is the final chapter in Riverbed Theatre’s award-winning “Just For You” Trilogy that premiered in Venice in 2022 with All That Remains and continued in 2023 with Over the Rainbow. This new 360VR experience continues the series’ exploration of our connectedness to the world around us, imbuing the environment with an animistic quality while also blurring the boundary between seeing and being seen. The audience is not a witness to the experience; they are the experience. A Simple Silence confronts us with the uneasiness of our inevitable truths, that every beginning implies an ending, that we are shadows passing through the darkness.
河床劇團  Recent/Upcoming Productions 美國翠貝卡電影節首映
Kaohsiung Film Festival / October 17-21, 2024

渴望更多或不同的事物是人的天性。有時,這種熱切的想望會帶來改善——結束不健康的關係,搬到另一個城市,或是開始一份新工作。但更多時候,這種態度會導致對自己命運的不滿,對我們無法企及的事物有難以壓抑的渴望。 《彩虹彼端》探索了欲望與幸福、夢想與熟悉之間的不穩定平衡。

河床劇團  Recent/Upcoming Productions
Blur (XR Experience)
Taiwan International Festival of the Arts / March 18-April 5, 2025

Scientists have upended our sense of the natural order, shifting terms like “de-extinction” and “resurrection biology” from the realm of Hollywood action films into the vernacular of everyday life. In 1996, scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland ignited a firestorm of controversy when they cloned a female Finn-Dorset sheep using adult somatic cells. Images of the sheep, Dolly, quickly spread around the world, stirring concerns about the seemingly inevitable shift to cloning humans. People were faced with the troubling question of reconsidering their foundational understanding of identity and selfhood. Blur is a poetic exploration of these increasingly liminal boundaries between the past and the future, the living and the dead.

Blur is co-directed by Craig Quintero and Phoebe Greenberg and is an international co-production between Riverbed Theatre, PHI Studio, and Onassis.